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Previewing the Project’s Electronic Resources

Geographies of Orthodoxy – electronic outputs from Stephen Kelly on Vimeo.

Our electronic resources are currently in a beta phase and are in the process of being tested – hopefully! – by the project’s Advisory Board. Open access to the project’s electronic outputs will be launched next year, but in the interim we append a video introduction to give site visitors a sense of what we plan in the first instance.

Our electronic outputs are comprised of extensive textual profiles, completed by Allan Westphall at St Andrews, and detailed codicological descriptions of pseudo-Bonaventuran MSS completed by Ryan Perry at Queen’s Belfast. In 2010 we intend to map the texts and MSS dialectically, providing users with an interactive means of visualising project data and the connections and relationships our findings suggest between the texts and MSS of the English Pseudo-Bonaventuran tradition. We are also working with Professor Michael Sargent to present a new model of the dissemination of the manuscripts of Love’s Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ.

We hope to demo the full range of our electronic outputs at the 2010 Mapping Late Medieval Lives of Christ conference, to be held in Belfast in June.


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