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About the New Design

The new Geographies of Orthodoxy website is designed to make accessing and reading news from the project clearer and easier to navigate. A featured post allows us to profile a specific entry which is, we feel, significant to ongoing research.

Clicking the title of each post takes the user to the post proper. Please look out for the “print this post” link; this executes a specific script which reformats the post for elegant and clear printing.

A new commenting feature allows users to reply in a threaded format to specific comments. Select “reply to this comment”.

For the geeks out there, the site uses an amended version of The Morning After 1.4 template for WordPress and WP-Print for formatting pages for printed.

Finally, the new site represents the first phase in the launch of our electronic resources. These will be piloted by the project’s Advisory Board in the first instance and will launch for registered users late in 2009.


One comment for “About the New Design”

  1. I like the new design, clean and simple. Good use of WordPress, glad to see an enhanced acceptance of open source solutions among the academia.

    Posted by NI Web Design | March 12, 2010, 10:05 am

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