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Scribal Hands Update

I offer a long overdue update to the scribal hands entry. After a presentation I gave in Kalamazoo 2008 (“Some Fifteenth Century Readings of Nicholas Love’s Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ: John Rylands Library Eng. 98 and Longleat House MS 14″), David Watt, Assistant Professor at the the University of Manitoba, recognised the scribe of John Rylands Library MS 98 as the hand of a MS he was working on, Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Selden Supra 53, known more generally to scholarship as the Selden Scribe. (David will be giving a paper in Kalamazoo this year in an EBS sponsored session, no. 453, “Beholding Hoccleve’s Book and Body in MS Selden Supra 53”). He kindly followed up the identification with bibliographical information that showed that Linne Mooney and A.I. Doyle had identified this scribe’s oeuvre, and Professor Mooney has recently been in touch to confirm her findings on this high quality metropolitan scribe. The books that have been identified with the scribe, thus far, are as follows:

    Bristol, Public Library MS 8 (Lydgate, Troy Book)

    Cambridge, Queens College, MS 12 (Hoccleve, Regiment of Princes)

    Manchester, John Rylands Library, MS Eng 98 (Nicholas Love, Mirror)

    Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Digby 230 (Lydgate, Siege of Thebes, Troy Book, and Siege of Jerusalem)

    Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson C. 446 (Lydgate, Troy Book)

    Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Selden Supra 53 (Hoccleve, Regiment of Princes, Series, Lydgate, Danse Macabre)


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