GEOGRAPHIES OF ORTHODOXY offers the scholarly community a range of electronic resources with which to enhance research on the texts and MSS of the English pseudo-Bonaventuran tradition. Watch the video introduction to the resources or begin by exploring the textual profiles or MS descriptions of key pseudo-Bonaventuran Lives of Christ. Users are invited to respond to project research by commenting on work undertaken by the team and contributing to discussion of this crucial literary tradition | How to use the resources [opens a new window]

- Meditation on Christ's Passion (MS Pepys 2125)
- Meditations on the Supper of Our Lord and the Hours of the Passion
- Middle English Meditationes Passione Christi
- Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ
- Miscellaneous pseudo-Bonaventuran texts
- Passion Meditation, Michigan State University Manuscript 1
- The Mirror to Devout People (Speculum Devotorum)
- The Prickynge of Love
- The Privity of the Passion
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign MS 65
- London, Lambeth Palace MS. 559
- New York, Pierpont Morgan Library MS M. 226
- Oxford, Bodleian Library MS e Museo 35
- London, British Library, MS Egerton 826
- Manchester, Chetham's Library MS 6690 (Mun. A.7.1)
- Manchester, Chetham's Library MS 27911
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Searches apply to both textual profiles and manuscript descriptions.